How to Choose the Right iOS App Development Company

Tuhin Bhatt

Co-founder of Intelivita

  Published on April 25, 2024

  7 min read

Do you have a fantastic app idea for your business?

That’s awesome!

However, the technical expertise required to build your app might be a total headache.

That’s why you need to partner with an iOS app development company.

But with so many options available out there, choosing the right partner can feel overwhelming.

How to find a company that aligns with your project goals, budget, and timeline? And what factors should you consider to ensure a successful partnership?

To answer those questions, we’ll show you the essential criteria you should check before choosing an iOS app development company.

Let’s get started!

How to Choose the Best iOS App Development Company?

Here are some aspects that you need to explore before choosing an iOS development services provider:

1. Company Experience

The company’s experience is important.

Because a seasoned team would be more likely to have a strong understanding of the latest iOS technologies and the ever-evolving App Store landscape.

Mobile App Mockups

With their experience, you can minimize risks and increase the chances of creating a high-quality app that fits with your target audience.

Check these places to find out about the company’s experiences:

  • Company Website: Look for a dedicated “About Us” section detailing their history, team members, and areas of specialization.
  • Portfolio: Check their past projects for quality, design, and functionality. Also, look for app projects that are similar to your concept.
  • News Sites: Find awards, certifications, press mentions that can indicate industry recognition and expertise.

2. Technical Skills

Skilled developers will make sure that your app functions flawlessly across various iOS devices and versions.

This is why checking technical skills is important.

If your app needs complex features or integrations with external services, a team with strong technical skills can also handle it for you.

You can look up their portfolio to see whether they possess the required skills or not.

For example, check whether their past projects involves using programming languages and frameworks commonly used for iOS app development (such as Swift, Xcode, or ARKit)

Look at their team composition as well.

A strong development team should consist of experienced programmers, UI/UX designers, and software architects.

Finally, schedule an initial call with the development team.

This will allow you to directly assess their technical knowledge and discuss your app’s requirements.

Read more: Best iPhone App Examples

3. Past Client Reviews

Client reviews provide a candid perspective on the company’s communication style, project management skills, and ability to deliver results.

For instance, negative reviews can highlight issues like missed deadlines, budget overruns, or communication problems.

On the other hand, positive reviews will show you the company’s strengths in areas like creativity, technical expertise, and adherence to deadlines.

You can find these reviews from the company’s website.

However, be mindful that they might be curated.

If the company has developed apps available on the App Store, you might want to read the user reviews section.

It can provide insights into the quality and functionality of their work.

Ratings and reviews

4. Communication Ability

You should check how the development team communicates within their project as well.

Because effective communication can help you ensure that your app vision is clearly understood by the development team.

When checking the team’s communication style, you need to put these questions in mind:

  • Does their communication style match your preferences?
  • Do they actively listen and address your concerns?
  • How often will you receive project updates and have opportunities to provide feedback?
  • Will you have a dedicated point of contact within the development team?

You can find the answers when having a call with the development team.

If their answers match your needs, then you’ve probably met the right team.

5. Quality Assurance and Testing

A bug-free app is essential for user satisfaction.

That’s why you need to verify the company’s app testing ability and experiences.

You can ask about their specific QA methodology.

A comprehensive approach should include unit testing, integration testing, functional testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT).

Make sure they also have a plan to test your app across various iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch models, as well as different iOS versions.

For more complete information, try asking the company’s past clients about their experience with the company’s QA process.

Did they encounter many bugs after launch? Or were the issues addressed promptly?

Read more: iOS vs Android: Which One Is Superior?

6. Cost Structure

App development costs can vary significantly.

Hence, understanding the company’s cost structure is important for avoiding budget surprises.

By checking cost structure, you’ll also be able to compare proposals from different companies and choose the one that offers the best value for your investment.

So, what aspects should you consider when checking the cost structure?

Here are some of them:

  • Pricing Model: There are various pricing models (such as hourly rate or fixed cost). Understand which model aligns best with your project scope and budget.
  • Detailed Cost Breakdown: Make sure the proposal provides a breakdown of estimated costs for different development phases (such as design, development, and testing).
  • Potential Additional Costs: Ask about any potential additional costs that might arise outside the initial proposal (like third-party integrations or App Store fees).

You might want to discuss cost structure openly during your initial meeting.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions about their pricing model and potential cost variations.

7. Post-Development Support

Your app’s development journey doesn’t end with launch.

Sometimes, issues still come every now and then.

To avoid them, you have to make sure that the app development company provides post-development support.

Ongoing support will allow you to implement new features, address user feedback, and keep your app competitive through regular updates.

Moreover, the app development team should also identify and address potential security vulnerabilities that might emerge after launch.

To find out whether the app development company offers post-development support, these are the questions you should ask when having a call with them:

  • What kind of issues are covered under their post-launch support plan (such as bug fixes or security updates)?
  • What is the communication channel for reporting bugs or requesting future feature updates after launch?
  • What is their typical response time for addressing post-launch issues?
  • Are they available for ongoing consultations or feature implementation requests (at an additional cost)?

Read more: Benefits of iOS Development


Choosing the right iOS app development company is a critical decision that can make or break your app’s success.

By considering the factors shown in this article, you can choose a partner who possesses the experience and skills to bring your app to life.

Let’s quickly recap all the aspects you should consider when choosing an iOS app development company:

  • Company Experience: Look for a company with a proven track record in iOS development, ideally with experience in your industry.
  • Technical Skills: Ensure their development team possesses the technical skills to build your app.
  • Past Client Reviews: Seek insights from past clients to check the company’s work ethic and ability to deliver results.
  • Communication Ability: Check the company’s communication style and structured development process to keep your project on track.
  • Quality Assurance and Testing: A QA process will help you create a bug-free app that delivers a flawless user experience.
  • Cost Structure: Understand their pricing model and get clear estimates to avoid budget surprises.
  • Post-Development Support: Choose a partner who offers ongoing support to fix bugs, implement new features, and maintain your app’s security.

Looking for an iOS app development team that can nail all of them? Look no further than Intelivita!

We have over 13 years of experience helping businesses build successful mobile apps.

With a team of 40+ expert iOS developers, we’ve built more than 420 iOS apps for various businesses, including Microsoft and Oxitec which have contributed to our 92% customer satisfaction rate.

So, what are you waiting for?

Contact Intelivita today!


Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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