7 Most Common iOS Mobile App Development Challenges

Tuhin Bhatt

Co-founder of Intelivita

  Published on April 26, 2024

  8 min read

Do you want to bring your business to the fingertips of millions of iPhone users?

Then you should build an iOS app.

However, before you dive into the development process, it’s important to know all the challenges that lie ahead.

For example, there are technical complexities, design considerations, and even app store approval processes.

Therefore, in this article we’ll explore some of the most common challenges iOS developers face, along with strategies to overcome them.

Let’s get started!

7 Challenges of iOS App Development

Here are some of the most common challenges that are usually faced by iOS developers:

1. App Store Approval

The App Store is known for its strict review process, no wonder it’s sometimes regarded as one of the biggest challenges in iOS development.

There are several reasons why apps might be rejected during the App Store review process, such as:

  • Failing to meet App Store Review Guidelines: These guidelines cover a wide range of aspects, including functionality, design, privacy, security, and content.
  • App Performance Issues: Your app needs to be stable, responsive, and function well across all compatible devices.
  • Incomplete Information: Missing screenshots, inaccurate descriptions, or a lack of privacy policy can lead to rejection as well.

The key to overcoming App Store approval is proper planning and execution.

Here’s what you should do:

  1. Check the App Store Review Guidelines: Before you write a single line of code, familiarize yourself with the latest App Store Review Guidelines. Treat them as the blueprint for your app’s development.
  2. Plan for Multiple Review Iterations: It’s rare for an app to get approved on the first try. So, budget time and resources for potential revisions based on reviewer feedback.
  3. Keep Testing: Test your app throughout development to identify and fix bugs before submission.
  4. Consider Working with Experienced App Developers: They can guide you and increase your chances of success.

Read more: Benefits of iOS Development

2. Device Compatibility

Apple is famous for its ecosystem, but it also presents a challenge for developers, which is ensuring your app functions flawlessly across a wide range of Apple devices.

Moreover, Apple releases its products regularly, each with varying screen sizes, processors, and operating system versions.

So, an app that works perfectly on the latest iPhone might not function correctly on an older model.

Here are some compatibility issues you might encounter:

  • Screen Size and Resolution: Apps need to adapt their layout and UI elements to fit and display correctly on various screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Hardware Differences: Older devices might have less powerful processors and lower memory capacities.
  • Operating System Version: Apple constantly updates its iOS software. However, not all devices can support the latest versions. That’s why you need to decide on a minimum iOS version your app will support

These are strategies for overcoming device compatibility challenges:

  1. Use Apple’s Development Tools: Apple offers Xcode and simulators that allow you to test your app on a variety of virtual iPhone models.
  2. Create Adaptive Layout: Implement responsive design techniques to make sure your app layout adapts automatically to different screen sizes and resolutions.
  3. Set a Minimum Supported iOS Version: Choose the lowest iOS version you can support while still maintaining the app’s core functionality.

3. Resource Consumption

While modern iOS devices have impressive processing power and storage capacity, there’s always a limit.

For example, inefficient apps that drain memory and storage space can lead to slow performance.

These are some common reasons why an app has high resource consumption:

  • Inefficient Code: Poorly written code can consume more memory and processing power than necessary.
  • Memory Leaks: These occur when your app fails to release memory it no longer needs, which causes a gradual decline in performance.
  • Large App Size: Apps that store excessive data or download large amounts of data can eat up storage space.

To avoid those issues, you might want to try these tips:

  1. Optimize Code: Write clean, efficient code that uses memory effectively.
  2. Manage Memory: Pay close attention to how your app allocates and releases memory. Implement proper memory management techniques to avoid leaks.
  3. Implement Compression: Compress images and other media files to reduce their storage footprint without sacrificing quality significantly.

4. Security

Mobile apps often handle sensitive user information like login credentials.

However, security vulnerabilities can leave this information exposed to hackers, which might damage business reputation.

The main challenge lies in identifying potential security risks throughout the entire development lifecycle, such as:

  • Insecure Data Storage: Storing sensitive data on the device without proper encryption can make it vulnerable to unauthorized access.
  • Code Vulnerabilities: Bugs in your app’s code can be exploited by hackers to gain unauthorized access or inject malicious code.
  • Third-Party Risks: Integrating third-party tools can cause security vulnerabilities if not maintained properly.

Here are some strategies you can implement to avoid security issues while developing an iOS app:

  1. Secure Data Storage: Always use secure storage mechanisms like the iOS Keychain to encrypt sensitive user data.
  2. Use Authentication: Implement strong authentication methods like two-factor authentication to protect user accounts.
  3. Regular Code Reviews: Conduct thorough code reviews throughout development to identify and fix vulnerabilities early on.
  4. Stay Updated: Keep your app and all third-party libraries up-to-date with the latest security patches.

Read more: iOS vs Android: Which One Is Superior?

5. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)

A poorly designed app with a cluttered interface or confusing navigation will be avoided by users.

That’s why you need create an app with stunning visuals and clear functionality.

However, it’s not that easy.

Sometimes, you will encounter these challenges:

  • Not Meeting User Expectations: Keeping pace with ever-evolving user expectations can be demanding.
  • Bad Navigation: Users should be able to find what they need within your app easily. Complex navigation structures or unclear menus can lead to frustration.
  • Inconsistent UI Design: A lack of visual consistency across the app can be annoying for users.

To tackle those issues, you can try the following strategies:

  1. Conduct User Research: Understand your target audience’s needs, pain points, and mobile app preferences.
  2. Do Usability Testing: Involve real users in usability testing to identify areas for improvement in the user experience.
  3. Maintain UI Consistency: Develop a clear and consistent UI style guide to ensure a positive visual experience throughout the app.

6. Battery Life Consumption

There’s nothing more frustrating for a user than an app that drains their battery life quickly.

This is why battery efficiency is one of the major concerns in iOS app development.

Here are some issues you might encounter regarding battery life consumption:

  • Location Services: Frequent use of location services can be a major battery drain, especially if the app updates location data even when not actively in use.
  • Background Tasks: Apps that run unnecessary tasks in the background (such as constant data fetching) can silently consume battery life.
  • Animations and Visual Effects: While visually appealing, excessive animations and complex graphics can contribute to battery drain.

So, what can you do to make sure the app doesn’t have battery issues?

Here’s how:

  1. Use Efficient Code: Use coding practices that are designed for low power consumption.
  2. Optimize Location Services: Request location data only when necessary, and allow users to control location access permissions within the app.
  3. Minimize Background Activity: Limit background tasks to essential functions and avoid unnecessary background data fetching.

7. Beta Testing

Beta testing is the process of releasing a pre-final version of your app to a limited group of users.

The goal is to identify bugs, improve usability, and gather valuable user feedback.

Anyway, why does beta testing become one of the challenges?

Here are the reasons:

  • Finding the Right Testers: Recruiting a diverse group of beta testers who represent your target audience can be difficult. Because, you need testers who will provide constructive feedback and actively engage with the app.
  • Managing Feedback Effectively: Beta testing can generate a large volume of feedback, and you need to filter out subjective opinions.
  • Potential for Delays: Unforeseen bugs during beta testing can cause delays in your launch schedule.

If you want to make the beta testing process goes smoothly, consider these tips:

  1. Define Beta Testing Goals: Identify what you hope to achieve through beta testing. Are you focusing on bug identification, UX improvements, or specific feature feedback?
  2. Use Beta Testing Tools: Apple’s TestFlight or other beta testing tools can help you receive and manage feedback effectively.
  3. Facilitate Feedback: Provide clear instructions and tools for testers to submit feedback. Use online forums, surveys, or in-app feedback mechanisms.

Read more: Best iPhone App Examples


Now you know the common iOS app development challenges out there.

Remember, they aren’t simply roadblocks, but also opportunities to refine your app and make it truly stand out.

However, tackling all those challenges might be daunting.

So, you might want to partner with a reliable iOS application development services provider like Intelivita.

With over 13 years of experience, we’ve built more than 420 iOS apps for various businesses, including Microsoft and Oxitec, which have contributed to our 92% customer satisfaction rate, and we’re ready to build successful iOS apps for you.

Let’s take the next step, send us a request today!


Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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