Top 7 Advantages of iPhone Application Development In 2024

Tuhin Bhatt

Co-founder of Intelivita

  Published on April 5, 2024

  5 min read

Nowadays, consumers rely on their smartphones for everything, from hailing a ride to ordering groceries.

Based on research by eMarketer, people even spent more than 4 hours with mobile internet, with 88% of that time within apps.

Most mobile users download their apps from two leading platforms: Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Play Store might have the largest number of user base, but the App Store market is just as lucrative.

As a business owner, you might be wondering: Do your company need an iPhone app to stay competitive?

Here’s the truth: a great iPhone app can provide lots of benefits for your business.

Read more to find out.

Benefits of iOS App Development for Businesses

Before deciding whether you want to hire an iOS app development company, let’s explore all the advantages of an iOS app for your business!

1. Reach High-Value Audiences

iPhones carry a reputation for being a premium product, which appeals to users who value high-end devices.

By developing an iOS app, you’re essentially placing your business directly in the hands of a demographic known for high spending power and a strong preference for mobile engagement.

iPhone users are also known for their interest in keeping up with the newest technologies.

This can be particularly advantageous if your business offers innovative products or services.

2. Increase Brand Awareness

An iPhone app can act as a powerful tool for getting your brand name out there and increasing its visibility.

According to Apple, the App Store attracted over 650 million average weekly visitors worldwide in 2022.

Therefore, having your app listed in the App Store will expose your brand to millions of potential users browsing the App Store for new apps.

The App Store also uses search algorithms to recommend relevant apps to users.

So, optimizing your app with relevant keywords and categories will help it stand out in search results.

3. Gain More Revenue

A well-designed iOS app can be a powerful revenue generator for your business.

It can function as an additional sales channel, which allows customers to browse products, make purchases, and complete transactions directly from their iPhones.

Moreover, the App Store supports various monetization models.

For example, you can offer freemium versions with in-app purchases for premium features or content.

App Store

Alternatively, you can create a subscription-based model where users pay a recurring fee to access exclusive features or services within your app.

You’re also able to use secure payment gateways like Apple Pay to streamline the checkout process and encourage impulse purchases within your app.

4. Enhanced Security and Data Protection

Data security is an important issue for both your business and consumers.

Luckily, Apple enforces a strict app review process before allowing apps onto the App Store.

This process includes security checks to ensure apps meet Apple’s high standards for data handling and encryption.

In other words, by choosing the iOS platform, you benefit from Apple’s security infrastructure as a foundation for your app.

Apple also provides developers with tools to build apps that are privacy-conscious.

For instance, there are features like user permission prompts and data encryption libraries that will help you develop apps that collect and store user data responsibly.

To top it off, Apple frequently releases iOS updates that address security vulnerabilities and patch potential exploits. safeguarding your iOS experience.

5. Benefit from a Unified Ecosystem

One of the most significant benefits of iOS apps is the ability to tap into Apple’s unified ecosystem.

This ecosystem can seamlessly connect your app with various Apple devices like iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs, which create a smooth and integrated user experience.

Imagine if your app allows users to add items to their cart on their iPhone and complete the purchase on their Mac.

These integrations will create a more convenient user experience that will increase customer satisfaction and engagement.

If you know how to use this ecosystem to your advantage, you can provide a seamless and well-integrated user experience.

6. Faster Development Time

While development timelines can vary depending on the app’s complexity, developing an iOS app can potentially offer advantages in terms of faster development time compared to some other platforms.

This is because Apple provides development tools like Xcode and programming languages like Swift.

These tools are specifically designed for iOS development and offer features that can increase coding efficiency, such as visual debugging tools.

The iOS development environment is also known for its consistency, which can prevent compatibility issues and allow developers to focus on core features rather than troubleshooting variations across multiple devices.

Through faster development time, you can lower your overall development costs.

A quicker launch will also allow you to get your app in front of users sooner.

7. Improve Business Credibility

Having your app featured in the official App Store signifies that it has passed Apple’s strict review process.

This process ensures the app meets Apple’s standards for functionality, security, and user privacy.

In other words, being approved by Apple validates your app and implicitly communicates to potential customers that your business has commitment to quality.

A collection of positive reviews and high ratings on your app can also boost your business’ credibility.

Gaining more credibility is highly important, since customers are more likely to do business with companies they perceive as trustworthy.

Research also shows that 67% of consumers are influenced by online reviews.


Now you know that iOS’s advantages and iPhone benefits are abundant.

From reaching a high-value audience and increasing brand awareness to driving sales and enhancing brand credibility.

Considering your business goals and target audience, you can develop an iOS app that delivers great value to your customers and propels your business forward.

Do you need a trustworthy iOS App Development Company?

Intelivita’s your answer!

We have over 13 years of experience helping businesses build successful mobile apps.

With a 92% customer satisfaction rate and a client list that includes industry giants like Microsoft and Oxitec, we are committed to exceed your expectations.

Turn your app ideas into reality, contact Intelivita today!


Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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