Ensuring Project Security: Project-Centric Safety Commitment

Intelivita upholds the cybersecurity of its clients with paramount importance in diverse projects. Each project is substantiated by a thoughtfully constructed charter, meticulously designed to synchronize with the client’s business particulars, security prerequisites, and compliance benchmarks. Certified internal auditors consistently evaluate the effectiveness of security management processes throughout the project’s journey.

Intelivita employs a comprehensive set of measures to secure clients’ IT resources, including:

Protecting Intellectual Property

  • Execution of non-disclosure agreements for the utmost confidentiality.
  • Recognizing and upholding the ownership rights of clients over entrusted information.

Securing Project Environment

  • Implementation of enterprise-level VPN tunnels.
  • Utilization of secure corporate devices with encrypted disks.
  • Adoption of secure virtual machines and segregated code repositories.
  • Physical presence of employees in controlled environments.

Securing Project Environment

  • Strict role-based access to project data.
  • Secure storage of client passwords in dedicated password storage.
  • Implementation of multi-factor authentication.

Security Evaluation Measures

  • Security-focused code reviews and audits.
  • Social engineering testing.
  • Implementation of multi-factor authentication.
  • Regular security audits and compliance assessments.

Setting the Benchmark: What Makes Intelivita Secure?

Distinctive Security Edge of Intelivita

  • 10+ years of proficiency in handling diverse cyber threats.
  • A robust track record marked by successfully concluded cybersecurity projects.

Intelivita’s Security Advantage

  • Clearly defined roles and responsibilities ensure a seamlessly orchestrated security apparatus.
  • Routine security testing, ensuring our IT infrastructure and software remain at the forefront of cyber defense.

Intelivita’s Security Ecosystem

  • A finely tuned security mechanism honed over 10 years in IT security services.
  • A rich portfolio showcasing the successful completion of various cybersecurity projects.

Intelivita’s Security Paradigm

  • Definitive roles and responsibilities outlining the backbone of our security infrastructure.
  • Vigilant security policies continually refined by ISO 27001-certified internal auditors.

The Foundation of Unyielding Security at Intelivita

Holistic IT Asset Management

Continuous tracking of all managed IT assets, including client data and project infrastructure.
Classification based on confidentiality and business criticality.
A risk-based methodology guiding the implementation of optimal protective measures.

A Secure Digital Environment

  • Utilization of cutting-edge security tools from reputable vendors such as Cisco, F5, and IBM.
  • Inclusive protective and detective measures, encompassing firewalls, IDS/IPS, endpoint protection, email security, WAF, DLP, and SIEM systems.
  • Rigorous device management, enforcing BYOD and MDM policies.
  • Physical security protocols including video surveillance, access control, alarms, and on-site personnel.

Operational Excellence in Security

Stringent controls for both internal and remote access, aligning with employee roles.
Multi-factor authentication, advanced endpoint protection, and secure VPN protocols.
Strong encryption algorithms and secure communication channels for data at rest and in transit.
A dedicated team for continuous IT infrastructure monitoring and swift incident response.

A Culture of Security Awareness

  • Comprehensive and consistent security awareness training, starting from onboarding.
  • Proactive reduction of digital footprints among employees.
  • Regular assessments of employees’ cyber resilience through interviews and social engineering testing.

At Intelivita, security is not just a process; it’s a commitment to excellence, ensuring that every project is a testament to the unyielding protection of digital assets and the trust bestowed by 1200+ global customers.

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In Search of a Security Ally as Committed as You Are?

Explore Intelivita. With a proven security strategy, reliable tools, seasoned security experts, and a firm commitment to client success, we possess all the elements necessary to ensure your comprehensive security.

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Photo of Tuhin Bhatt
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