Introduction to Flutter

Tuhin Bhatt

Co-founder of Intelivita

  Published on January 1, 2024

  13 min read


Flutter is an open-source mobile development framework created by Google and released to the open-source community in 2011.

It has rapidly gained popularity within the software development community, owing to its unique features and capabilities.

It stands out as a versatile tool, enabling developers to create natively compiled applications for cross-platforms, including Android, iOS, web, and even desktop, all from a single, unified codebase.

What distinguishes Flutter is its fast development cycle, an extensive library of customizable widgets, and its ability to deliver reactive user interfaces.

In this article, I will shed light on the Flutter programming language, the key concepts around it, and why you should consider using Flutter for your next project, I will also walk you through some best software development practices with Flutter.

Significance of Flutter in The World of App Development

Flutter has transformed the landscape of app development.

Its ability to streamline the creation of applications for different platforms by using a single codebase is a game-changer.

According to a report by Statista from 29k+ respondents in July 2022, it indicated that 46% of software developers worldwide use Flutter as their cross-platform mobile framework, making it the most popular option.

Other mind-blowing facts about Flutter as reported by Statista include:

  • About one-third of mobile developers use cross-platform frameworks like Flutter, while the rest use native tools.
  • Cross-platform mobile frameworks like Flutter allow developers to build apps for multiple platforms from a single codebase, reducing costs.
  • Flutter maximizes app reach by enabling developers to target both iOS and Android with one app.
  • In 2020, there were 24.5 million software developers globally, a number expected to grow as app and web development increases.
  • Mobile developers make an average annual salary of $41,600, lower than other software developer roles like engineering managers ($96,000 average).

Flutter has not only reduced development time but also improved the overall user experience.

Flutter’s prominence continues to grow, as it addresses the increasing demand for cross-platform development solutions.

Flutter leads cross-platform frameworks worldwide from 2019 to 2022 – Statista

Key Concepts in Flutter

In this section, we will take a look at some of the features that make Flutter stand out from other mobile development frameworks.

Dart is an open-source programming language backed by Google and it runs easily on the Google Cloud Platform.

It is a known fact that Dart is approximately two times faster than JavaScript, and is type-safe while being compiled with both AOT and JIT compilers, making Dart very scalable across projects, similar to JavaScript so it is easy to learn if you know JavaScript already, and used extensively for the Flutter mobile UI framework.

Introduction to Dart Programming

Flutter is powered by Dart programming language.

Dart plays a pivotal role in its development.

The design of Dart takes inspiration from familiar languages like Java, JavaScript, and C# while enforcing strong typing for improved reliability.

As a compiled language, Dart code must be explicitly built before it can execute.

The Dart compiler analyzes source code and produces optimized machine code for the target platform.

Dart supports common programming concepts like classes, interfaces, and functions.

Unlike some languages, Dart does not have built-in arrays but instead provides collections APIs that implement data structures like arrays generically.

Dart also supports optional typing for flexibility in design.

Advantages of Cross-Platform Development

Cross-platform development is a strategy that is rapidly gaining traction.

It involves creating applications that can run on multiple operating systems such as mobile, desktops, and even browsers.

This therefore reduces development efforts and costs.

Flutter is one such mobile development framework that seamlessly fits into this approach.

In our blog post titled “The Flutter Approach to Cross-Platform App Development: Does it Work?“, we reviewed this approach of cross-platform development and took a critical look into how Flutter does this.

Widgets and UI Components in Flutter

Widgets are the building blocks of user interfaces in Flutter.

Widgets represent everything you see on the screen, from simple text and buttons to complex layouts and animations.

Flutter provides a rich set of pre-built widgets that you can use to design your UI, and you can also create custom widgets to suit your specific needs.

There are two types of widgets; these are Stateless and Stateful:

  • Stateless widgets are immutable UI elements that do not change after being initialized.
    They represent static content like text, icons, and shapes.
    Stateless widgets are used when the UI does not need to update dynamically.
  • Stateful widgets can change their state over time and update the UI accordingly.
    They are used for interactive elements like forms, animations, and components that respond to user input events.
    Stateful widgets have a separate State class that manages their mutable state and rebuilds the widget when the state changes.

Flutter’s Architecture: How it Works

Flutter is a layered, extensible system. It exists as a collection of independent libraries, each of which is dependent on the underlying layer.

No layer has privileged access to the layer beneath it, and every component of the framework level is optional and replaceable.

Flutter has three main architectural layers:

If you want to dive deeper into Flutter’s architecture and understand how these layers work together, I’ve written a detailed article on that topic.

You can read it here: Flutter Architecture: What Is It & How Does It Work).

Platform-Specific Development

Flutter for Mobile Development

Mobile app development is one of the primary use cases for Flutter.

Flutter allows building native mobile apps for both iOS and Android from a single Dart codebase.

It provides platform-specific tools like Xcode integration for iOS and Android Studio for Android.

Flutter implements separate render layers for each platform to translate widgets into native UI elements.

This allows accessing native SDKs and APIs like camera, location, etc.

Flutter compiles ahead of time into native code for optimal performance on mobile.

Flutter for Web Development

Flutter can compile to web-standards compliant HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

This allows publishing Flutter apps to the web without changes.

Flutter for the Web provides web-specific plugins like integration with browser history and deep linking.

The canvas renderer is optimized for building high-performance web experiences.

Flutter on the Web supports progressive web apps that work offline.

Flutter for Desktop Development

Flutter desktop support allows compiling Linux, macOS, and Windows applications from Dart code.

It provides access to native desktop features like menu bars, system trays, and dock integration.

Flutter desktop apps can be distributed through stores or as standalone executables.

The experimental desktop embedding is still maturing but shows promise for cross-platform desktop development.

Development and Best Practices

Best Practices to Streamline Flutter App Development

Adopting Flutter best practices like state management with Provider, reusable widget libraries, separating business logic from UI, and using design patterns like BLoC can streamline Flutter development.

Another recommended good practice is to consider adopting automated testing, and CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous delivery) to maintain quality, reduce cost, and reduce code defects.

Essential Tools for Flutter App Development

Key tools for Flutter app developers include IDEs like VS Code and Android Studio, emulators, Dart and Flutter extensions, Supernova, AppCenter, and Firebase.

These enhance productivity when building, testing, and deploying Flutter apps.

Using Flutter for MVP Development

Flutter’s hot reload, reusable widgets and full-featured SDKs allow quickly building MVPs to validate ideas before investing in a full production app.

Flutter Redux and BloC are good state management choices for MVPs.

You can explore in detail why Flutter is an excellent choice for MVP development.

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Flutter

While Flutter offers numerous advantages, it is essential to consider both the Pros and Cons of Flutter.

Pros include faster development, native performance, rich widgets, and full-featured SDKs.

Cons are limited browser support currently, smaller ecosystem vs native SDKs, and dependence on Dart language skills.

Flutter Packages and Plugins

In the realm of app development, leveraging pre-built packages and plugins can significantly speed up the development process.

We will introduce you to the world of Flutter packages and plugins, showcasing how they can enhance your app’s functionality.

Resources and Community

Community and Resources

Developers don’t work in isolation.

We’ll provide links to official Flutter resources, forums, and communities where you can seek support, gain insights, and stay updated with the latest developments in the Flutter ecosystem.

How to Hire Flutter Developers

If you are considering a Flutter project but lack the in-house expertise, this section will guide you through the process of hiring skilled Flutter developers, ensuring that your project is in capable hands.

Before getting into the details of how to hire Flutter developers, let us examine why it is important to hire good software developers.

Why Hire the Best Developers

Hiring the best software developers is critical for any organization seeking to build custom technology solutions.

In our digital age, developing proprietary software can provide companies with a competitive edge and enable them to adapt quickly in a complex, fast-changing industry.

However, the demand for qualified developers far exceeds the limited supply of talent.

With so many businesses competing for the top developers, it has become increasingly difficult to form an all-star development team.

Those who fail to hire the best talent risk falling behind rivals who leverage well-made software to pivot and lead.

Top developers draw the line between average and excellence, much like star musicians elevate an orchestra’s performance.

They have the skills and expertise needed to deliver high-quality products in an efficient, cost-effective manner.

At Intelivita, we are a passionate team of creative designers, web developers, and mobile app developers who believe that great teams create magnificent output.

Our diverse but close-knit group is driven by our core values of innovation, long-term client relationships, and focus on deliverables.

We boast 11+ years of professional experience doing what we do best, over 650+ clients, and 80+ rigorously vetted software developers.

Hire us today and let us translate your dream application into reality.

The tech world is dynamic, and staying current is crucial.

Flutter is embracing AI and machine learning to power predictive features and personalized experiences in apps.

Developers can leverage AI tools to analyze code, identify patterns, and even generate functional code.

AI also allows apps like e-commerce and fitness to tailor data-driven recommendations to each user.

Flutter is expanding beyond mobile to web and desktop development.

Flutter’s reusable code and customizable widgets make it easy to deploy cross-platform experiences.

Flutter web development is rising in popularity for its ability to create high-performance web apps with attractive UIs.

Flutter’s support for building desktop apps is still maturing but shows promise.

Other top trends in the world of Flutter are null safety for reducing bugs and crashes, support for wearable devices like smartwatches to enable engaging experiences, IoT integration for controlling connected devices, and instant apps that provide streamlined functionality without installation.

Overall, Flutter is leveraging emerging technologies like AI while expanding its platform support to power feature-rich and seamless experiences across devices.

Comparative Analysis Between Flutter and Other Frameworks

In the competitive world of app development, it is essential to understand how Flutter stacks up against other popular frameworks.

Let’s conduct a comparative analysis, pitting Flutter against well-known frameworks like Kotlin, Swift, React, Ionic, and Xamarin.

This analysis will help you choose the best solution for your specific project requirements.

Flutter Vs. Kotlin

  • Programming Language: Flutter uses Dart, while Kotlin is a programming language specifically designed for Android app development.
  • Platform: Flutter is cross-platform, supporting Android and iOS, whereas Kotlin is primarily associated with Android development.
  • Development Speed: Flutter’s hot reload feature accelerates development, making it more rapid compared to Kotlin.
  • UI Consistency: Flutter offers a consistent UI experience across platforms, while Kotlin might require separate UI implementations for Android and iOS.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Kotlin has a strong presence in the Android community, but Flutter’s community is proliferating.
  • Learning Curve: If you’re already familiar with Kotlin, transitioning to Android development might be more straightforward. However, Flutter’s learning curve isn’t steep, and Dart is an easy-to-pick-up language.

Flutter Vs. Swift

  • Programming Language: Flutter uses Dart, while Swift is Apple’s preferred language for iOS app development.
  • Platform: Flutter is cross-platform, supporting both iOS and Android, while Swift is primarily for iOS development.
  • Development Speed: Flutter’s hot reload gives it an advantage in terms of development speed.
  • UI Consistency: Flutter excels in providing a consistent UI across platforms, whereas Swift might require separate UI implementations for Android.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Swift has a strong community, but Flutter’s community is expanding rapidly.
  • Learning Curve: If you’re already familiar with Swift, you might find iOS development more accessible. Still, Flutter’s ease of learning and Dart’s simplicity make it a viable option for newcomers.

Flutter Vs. React Native

  • Programming Language: Flutter uses Dart, while React Native uses JavaScript.
  • Performance: Flutter’s performance is excellent thanks to its native compilation, while React Native relies on a bridge between JavaScript and native components, which can introduce slight performance overhead.
  • Community and Ecosystem: React Native has a larger community and more third-party libraries, but Flutter’s community is growing fast.
  • Development Speed: Flutter’s hot reload can lead to faster development and debugging.
  • UI Consistency: Flutter offers a more consistent UI, while React Native may require platform-specific adjustments.
  • Platform Support: Flutter’s support for web and desktop makes it a more versatile choice, while React Native primarily focuses on mobile.

Flutter Vs. Ionic

  • Programming Language: Flutter uses Dart, while Ionic utilizes web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript).
  • Performance: Flutter’s natively compiled apps generally perform better than Ionic’s web-based apps.
  • Development Speed: Flutter’s hot reload contributes to faster development compared to Ionic.
  • Platform Support: Flutter supports mobile, web, and desktop, whereas Ionic primarily targets mobile and web.
  • UI Consistency: Flutter offers a more consistent UI experience across platforms.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Ionic has a more extensive ecosystem and a well-established community, while Flutter’s community is rapidly expanding.

Flutter Vs. Xamarin

  • Programming Language: Flutter uses Dart, while Xamarin offers a choice between C# and F#.
  • Platform Support: Xamarin is cross-platform, supporting Android, iOS, and macOS.
  • Development Speed: Flutter’s hot reload speeds up development compared to Xamarin.
  • UI Consistency: Flutter provides a more consistent UI experience across platforms.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Xamarin has a mature ecosystem and community, but Flutter is quickly catching up.
  • Learning Curve: If you have a background in C# or F#, Xamarin may be a more comfortable choice, while Flutter’s simplicity can be appealing for beginners.

Wrapping Up

The choice between Flutter and other frameworks depends on your project’s specific needs and your familiarity with the programming languages involved.

Flutter’s versatility, excellent UI consistency, and rapid development capabilities make it a compelling option for many developers.

However, established ecosystems and communities exist for each framework, so the best choice may vary from one project to another.

It is essential to carefully consider your project requirements and the strengths of each framework before making a decision.

At Intelivita, we cracked the code of building great software that solves customer and organizational problems through high-performing mobile applications for both iOS and Android.

Our expertise spans across mobile app development, VR app development, eCommerce development, WordPress development, and many more.

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    Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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