48 Top Mobile App Ideas for Startups to Try In 2024

Tuhin Bhatt

Co-founder of Intelivita

  Last updated on December 12, 2023

  27 min read

Are you just one idea away from being a successful startup company?

Certainly. As an entrepreneur, coming up with million-dollar app ideas are challenging, Especially, when 90% of startup fail.

And that’s the reason we have come up with 48 innovative and successful mobile app ideas so that you fall into the remaining 10%.

Let’s start with exploring these ideas.

1. Lyrics Tracker App

We hear a song and enjoy it, but we forget the words and are left with just the humming portion or a song fragment.

Otherwise, specific lyrics come to us unexpectedly, and we have no idea which album they are from.

In both situations, we use our memory to decode the music.

Therefore, implementing this mobile app idea makes it an exciting option for smartphone users.

An app that determines the song based on a few lyrics or humming.

It’d be even easier to perform the portion of the music you recognize, and the app will determine the song and artist.

2. Language Learning App

The language learning app helps users with some basic language lessons to be one of the most innovative app concepts for 2024.

The market for mobile education is so large that analysts expect the market will rise by $46.9 billion by 2024, at a CAGR of approximately 26%.

Pick this out of a bunch of android app ideas would mean implementing various features along with a range of difficulty levels.

This can be from alphabets and simple letters to fully-fledged conversations.

The software can be configured to provide voice so that learners can hear how words are spoken.

3. eCommerce App

The world is brimming with business opportunities for eCommerce retailers.

However, which are worth considering and which are not?

It may be difficult to tell. With over 2.14 billion individuals shopping online, an eCommerce company has a large potential customer base.

Cost of developing mobile applications may vary, depending on the business functionality.

While most individuals feel comfortable starting an eCommerce company due to rapid innovation, low prices, and delivery options, the number one concern that holds them back is what concept to pursue.

Choosing one of the best eCommerce app ideas is important, and therefore you need to pick the one that clicks with most of the users across the globe.

4. Car Service and Fueling App

Buying an automobile is one thing and keeping it intact with proper services is another.

It isn’t easy to keep the dates for services. Thus, car service and fuel delivery applications would be a huge comfort for car owners.

You can connect all surrounding service stations and gasoline stations to provide prompt service in the local region.

The major aspect is that consumers can quickly reserve an online slot for services, and specialists will provide them at the required time, ensuring high satisfaction.

This app idea should provide a sophisticated structure; therefore, it makes sense to search for a reputable software development firm to assist you in getting started.

5. Fitness App

We spend a lot of time inside nowadays, which necessitates that we adapt and learn new ways to maintain our health and fitness.

Fitness apps are ideal in situations like these. Start implementing your ideas on improving the app performance.

A new fitness app should reach a major audience, and therefore you also need to market it after publishing it on the app store.

Try creating a healthcare application that aims to revolutionize the way users practice yoga.

Offer customized video material that enables you to practice inverted yoga from the convenience of your own home.

Hire app developers to build an app that supports simultaneous video and audio streaming for numerous users.

Additionally, it should record user activity and provide community features to improve the user experience.

6. Integrated Medicine App

It is an industry that will never become obsolete.

If you can serve effectively, there is no better choice.

Telemedicine, rising at a rate of 120 percent, is one of the fastest-growing healthcare information technology segments.

Telemedicine is a healthcare mobile app trend that is expected to hit $113 billion by 2025.

Consider how relieved the customer would feel if they can monitor every aspect of the order description.

Take notice that medication cannot be administered indefinitely. As a result, you must accelerate! It’s simple to keep track of orders and deliveries with working ERP apps.

Apart from distribution, additional functions such as doctor consultation and quick checkups have been integrated.

Such an app idea is trendy at the moment!

Additionally, the emerging pandemic situation has boosted interest in remote control services.

By 2024, it will certainly be a lucrative source of income.

7. Custom-Cake Ordering App

Apps for ordering cakes are not uncommon, but many are wrong. For the most part, they are not customizable; they must be ordered exactly as pictured.

Bakers who pride themselves on their ability to invent delightful and out-of-the-the-box masterpieces and who wish to gain a digital platform for their bakery may find this app an excellent starting point.

One good thing about such simple innovative app ideas is that they can be thoughtful gifts for family and friends.

Customers can add their favorite recipes with personalized ingredients and the mobile app and post directly to social media by connecting to their social networking accounts.

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8. Tenant Finder/Communications App

A tenant finder and chat app would make it easier for tenants and landlords to communicate.

Those renting out their apartments will find prospective tenants and peruse the different profiles to find the best fits their needs.

In turn, tenants may lodge official complaints about the property or maintenance needs and pay rent through the app.

9. The Skill App

Education has acquired additional importance as a result of the evolution of digital technologies.

People no longer make an effort to attend libraries. There are now intelligent methods for effortlessly acquiring new talents.

Additionally, one can more specifically measure their performance and scale the output.

Moreover, an online training session on a single topic may be incorporated.

Apps for education are a current development.

Apart from talent research, many individuals look for new opportunities to find viable career sites.

10. Dog Walking App

According to a separate study conducted by the American Pet Product Association, Americans spend $23.4 billion on dog food, over $15.73 billion on health care, $14.39 billion on supplies and over-the-counter medicine, $5.24 billion on pet services such as grooming and boarding, and $2.19 billion on domestic pets.

These numbers are staggering, indicating that American households have an unhealthy obsession with pets, especially dogs.

However, their working hours and other obligations serve as a barrier between them and their pets.

While everybody is too busy in this fast-paced world to take their dog for a walk, the concept of creating a dog walking app as one of the startup app ideas is gaining popularity.

On-demand dog walking applications operate on a two-sided market.

To begin, dog owners apply for a dog walker, and their request is immediately responded to by a dog walker on the other end; the reservation is then checked, and finally, parents pay.

Thus, you can also develop a dog walking application and establish yourself as a market leader in the dog walk service industry.

11. Social Media App

The most in-demand applications are used for interactions around the world.

They devote 60% of their time to chatting or communicating with new people on social media to preserve the status quo.

One of the safest bets amongst all mobile application ideas includes developing an app for social media.

Such social networking platforms provide various communication capabilities, including instant chat, protection, location sharing, and the ability to send and receive videos and documents.

Thus, social networking is the best use of a startup’s creative resources.

12. On-Demand Home-Cooked Food App

According to surveys, 53% of Americans consider themselves foodies, which is a sizable portion of the population to represent.

You can create an on-demand home-cooked food ordering app with professional Android app developers’ assistance that enables users to order freshly prepared food at affordable prices.

If there is a house party, a weekend, or an occasion, we request food from restaurants.

At some point, we’re all going to miss home food. What if we are unable to cook but desire home-cooked meals?

You will create an application that allows users to order home-cooked food at a fair price, and you can differentiate yourself from other online food delivery applications.

It is one of the good tech startup app ideas in the modern world where you help your consumers make safe choices!

13. Virtual Shopping Assistant App

Many people feel like they are too busy to have time to go shopping for a well-fitting collection of apparel and matching accessories.

No one could afford to look well-dressed if it weren’t for the stylists.

From this viewpoint, here follows the best choice to start a personal shopping assistant app that utilizes data and human consultation to aid in purchasing products.

Features to Include in the App:

  • Enabling AR-based virtual experience
  • Quick and effective price-comparison
  • Providing similar suggestions
  • Order history
  • Parcel tracking

14. An Uber for Trucks

You must have observed firsthand how difficult it is to locate a vehicle! Transferring from one site to another is a big hassle.

Most of you are familiar with the taxi booking app, but how about the trucks?

Why not do anything like Uber except for trucks?

The new UI will assist the users in moving from one location to another.

Integrate a GPS into the client’s experience to remove any difficulties for customers and simplify the booking process.

15. Loan Lending App

This tool is included in the list of innovative app ideas for 2024 because it simplifies borrowing.

The P2P lending site acts as a marketplace for lenders and borrowers to interact and satisfy each other’s financial needs without the need for physical meetings or a lengthy loan application process.

Due to their fast processing time, loan lending applications have evolved into the perfect alternative for loan buyers and payers.

Its popularity is expected to grow as its features expand.

They include a bargain program that allows borrowers to pre-determine their expected loan rates and bargain with lenders for low-interest rates.

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16. The Brand Authenticity Checker App

Massive discounts on well-known products always make us question the product’s validity.

It is not always easy to decide whether a product is authentic or a first copy.

Here is one of the great startup app ideas that ride on the concept of determining the authenticity of a product.

The app assists you in deciding if the product is genuine and from the claimed brand.

Additional features, such as brand details, may be added.

Scan the brand name or logo to obtain further information about the brand.

17. Stress Relaxation App

According to a study done by the University of Phoenix, more than 75% of US workers are experiencing burnout. The daily pressures of life are something to contend with these days.

Whether it is a personal, professional, professional, or spiritual problem, people deal with issues every day.

You may create meditation or relaxation software to cope with this tension. Calm and invigorate the user mentally and physically with these programs.

To thrive in the competitive app market, this software must have unique features.

18. Barcode-Scanning App

Numerous sites are claiming to provide the lowest prices on authentic imported goods.

However, determining its legitimacy is always a concern for consumers.

Some of us wind up utilizing items that seem to be authentic but are copies.

Thus, an app that enables you to scan the product’s barcode will quickly supply you with all its authentic facts — from its manufacturing location to its shipping location and price.

Moreover, the same app can be used to scan restaurant menus along with receiving payments.

In the end, creating a barcode-scanning app might be advantageous to millions of online buyers and a terrific method for companies to generate money in 2024.

They need the services of an app developer that is familiar with the idea and can assist you in obtaining the appropriate product.

19. Storytelling Web Apps

This pandemic has made it more difficult for parents to engage their children.

These web-based storytelling applications may be quite effective.

Parents mostly utilize this to teach their children tales with the sole intention of imparting morality or imparting information.

To build this online storytelling application, you’ll need to recruit an app development team and a talented storyteller and provide authors access to the portal.

Parents may browse the app and see the most recent news.

It is possible to start making money from certain articles based on the number of views they get.

20. On-Demand Fuel Delivery App

Whatever type of vehicle you own, an app will allow you to obtain fuel without having to visit a fuel station.

The application will be listed at all nearby fuel stations, which ensures that it will automatically detect your position and deliver you fuel within a specified time frame when you send a request.

Additionally, a user may manually specify the position and type of automobile oil or fuel required.

The closest fuel station will refill the vehicle and ensure that all safety precautions are adhered to.

Developing an app for on-demand fuel distribution might be one of the most lucrative app ideas for 2024.

21. AR-based Clothes Fit App

Do you still get confused about size fit in online shopping?

Well, many do and this innovative app idea helps you with it.

The augmented reality-based app allows the user to see whether the clothes they want to buy fit them or not.

Additionally, it captures the user’s measurements within seconds and shows how they look in different styles.

The AR-based app also does customization according to user preferences.

This helps users to save time instead of spending time in a long queue of changing clothes.

It decreases the chances of exchanging clothes as the user can already see how the clothes will look on them.

22. Anti-Smartphone Addiction App

According to a survey, on average people spend 3 hours and 15 minutes on their smartphones per day.

The data indicate how much people spend the majority of time on their smartphones and this has a negative effect.

This spending time turns into obsession and affects people’s minds and health.

Therefore, an anti-smartphone app will be a gentle reminder to decrease the usage of smartphones.

It will allow users to overcome the obsession and spend time doing other activities.

The app helps users to overcome addiction and spend more time with family rather than spending on the screen.

23. Table Reservation App

We all have that one spot in the restaurant that is our absolute favorite.

And that’s the reason the app has come to the list of brilliant app ideas.

The app allows users to reserve tables by providing a graphical interface for cafes and restaurants in the city.

It will book their preferable choice table for a limited period of time.

The app will save booked history.

Thus, the next time a user visits that place, all they need to do is select the click button to reserve the table.

It will save their time and get their desirable spot, the perfect cherry on the cake moment for business owners and users.

Moreover, you can provide offers to attract more users.

24. Food Donation App

This simple app idea is for a good cause.

The app allows users or restaurant owners to gather waste food and distribute it among those in need.

Even an organization can be part of it by gathering food from local restaurants or neighborhoods.

The user has to fill up information such as their location, and how much food they are donating.

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It will be a win-win situation for everyone as the food is not being wasted and the needy can have their food.

25. VR-based Room Adjustment App

Virtual reality-based room adjustment apps are a perfect example of creative app ideas.

There are numerous elements to consider while placing furniture in the room.

And no user wants to goof up because it’s challenging to put it again and again.

This VR-based app allows you to see how a room will look after furniture is placed.

Also, users can view the entire room from all 360° angles. It will enable users to take photos and place 3D models into virtual spaces.

Hence, before making a huge decision to place or purchase, the user can see how an item will look in the room.

It will give a clear picture to users of how and what they want in their room.

26. Parking Spot App

It is an angel in blessing app for users who live in metro cities.

With the increasing traffic and population, users have a tough time finding the nearest parking spot.

And also, they have fear of vehicles being not secure.

However, the parking spot app comes into the picture where the app shows the nearest parking spot to the user.

With the help of a GPS system, the user can see empty parking spots at their place.

The app will help users to save time, money, and resources by showing the nearest spot.

It is safer as the app will offer the spots which are available and less stressful as the user doesn’t have to spend hours finding one good parking spot.

27. Guide Booking App

Every tourist gets confused once regarding booking in their life. The guide booking app helps users to book places online.

It is a suggestion app where the app will suggest good nearby places or locations for the users.

The user has to fill in the information and their preferences, and the app will suggest places as per their choices.

28. Money Lending App

The lending process is lengthy and challenging. However, the money lending app makes the process simpler and less complicated.

The app will collect information and provide suggestions to users about the personal loan.

As a startup, it might be a risk factor to involve in budgeting apps, but in the end, it is worth it.

The app will notify users if there are any transactions or deductions in payment activity occurred.

Also, it will notify users about overpayment and late fees.

29. Pet-Friendly App

Pet parents want to take their pets everywhere but unfortunately, not all places are pet-friendly.

However, designing a pet-friendly app can be one of the coolest app ideas for a tech startup business.

The app will show the places like tourist places, parks, restaurants, or cafes where pets are allowed.

So before taking pets anywhere, the user will not have second thoughts and have a good time. The pet-friendly app will also suggest if there is any activity going on for pets.

30. Gift Suggesting App

Choosing a gift for dear ones is one of the difficult decisions because you want to make others feel special about it.

And the solution for that is also here: a gift-suggesting app. It will have multiple ideas and options of gifts and suggest to users the best one.

The gift suggesting app has numerous categories such as men, women, birthdays, anniversaries, and other occasions.

It will be easier for users to make quick decisions about gifts.

So, next time the user would not have to spend hours searching for the gift suggestion.

31. Expiry Date Reminder App

Having an expiry date food or medicine is as equal to poison.

It creates a lot of health issues and as a start-up company or owner, you can save it.

The expiry date reminder app is one of the best app ideas for entrepreneurs.

The app will notify them about the upcoming dates and inform them if any items have expired.

But for that, users need to fill in all the data; so the app can calculate and notify them about it.

So, next time users don’t have to throw any item because they missed the expiry date.

32. Shopping Mall Navigator App

How many times have you gotten lost in the mall?

Unable to find the shop you want to visit to buy?

The chances are pretty high. Because in the mall, there are numerous stores and multiple directions.

Thus, the shopping mall navigator app comes into the picture.

The mall navigation app is a digital map that can help users to navigate shops and directions.

Moreover, the user can use it to find restaurants, restrooms, and other different shops.

Isn’t shopping mall navigator among the coolest app ideas?

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33. Online Checkout Pay App

Every one out of three people hates standing in the queue?

You will see a long queue in the supermarket for the billing and find people getting irritated and frustrated about it.

And the solution for that is an online checkout pay app.

The app will allow you to scan and pay the order amount for the item user have purchased.

So, they don’t have to wait in a long queue, just scan, pay, and buy.

34. Group Study App

According to the survey, the e-learning market globally is expected to reach $325 billion in 2025.

As data clearly indicates that marketing is growing; so, it is a good time for a startup to start a group study app.

The app will allow a number of people to share the same screen and study together.

It is designed to have one mentor, and multiple students, only students, and a minimum of people are allowed to study together.

35. Nearby EV Charging Station Finder App

There is no doubt that electronic vehicle is the future and to make it simpler for use- the nearby EV charging station finder app is among the brilliant app ideas.

With the increasing demand for EVs, the demand for charging stations will also be increasing.

The nearby EV charging station finder app will help users time to find charge stations with GPS.

It will provide users with many information such as the kind of plugs the station accepts.

There will be different charging slots and filter options to select services.

36. VR Gaming Apps

Are you familiar with VR-based gaming, the technology that’s stolen the spotlight in recent years?

If not, then you’re falling short on some serious fun.

Virtual reality gaming takes place in a computer-generated virtual environment, in which a gamer feels he has actually been put into a new world, just by wearing a VR headset.

As digitalization extended, VR gained considerable ground in every sphere.

This lucrative app idea can maximize business profits and drastically improve the customer experience.

Virtual reality environments are developed with VR software and presented to the user in such a way that they supersede the real-world environment, and help the user experience the VR environment as real.

37. Expiry Date Reminder Apps

Expiry reminder app allows you to track expiration and renewal dates.

The app will securely store all the reminders such as renewing of car insurance policy, and appointments for school or college.

This app will motivate users and act as a reminder to carry out the task perfectly on time.

38. Chatbot Apps

If you have noticed an increase in chatbot usage, you are not alone.

More and more companies are using them to automate aspects of the customer experience.

As stated by Statista, in 2027, the worldwide chatbot market is projected to amount to $ 454.8 million in revenue, up from $ 40.9 million in 2018.

With less reliance on service agents and live agents, organizations are realizing significant cost savings and becoming more efficient.

It is a well-known fact that technology is evolving swiftly.

As a result, the range of technology increases gradually and results in low-cost computing.

Chatbots are essential to understanding changes in digital customer care services provided and in many routine queries most frequently asked.

Bots are useful in a certain scenario when the client service requests are specified in the area and highly predictable, managing a high volume of similar requests and automated responses.

39. Budgeting Apps

Saving money is more of a challenge nowadays in this age of sky-rocketing prices.

That’s where the budgeting app can help you to keep track and get ahead of your finances.

As you access a budgeting app, it allows you to create a budget.

And you might want to set short, medium, and long-term financial goals & objectives.

A budgeting app lets you track your progress towards achieving them.

40. Grocery Delivery Apps

In the US, the number of adult grocery app users rose from 18 Million to nearly 30+ Million in 2018-2022, according to a report by Statista.

People are moving to grocery apps to buy all their groceries through mobile applications.

A Grocery Delivery App can help you connect to a local grocery store via an app-controlled agent that gets the groceries on your behalf.

Exactly according to the grocery list, you provide to them & deliver the groceries to your doorstep.

With the collaboration of a mobile app development company, you can make it simpler, easier, and more convenient to deliver a pleasurable user experience to your customers.

41. Medicine Delivery Apps

The market for medical product delivery is gradually increasing.

People who are in need of purchasing and refilling medicines, asthma pumps, testing kits, and other medical products can leverage the benefits of medical products’ delivery apps.

An Online Medicine or Pharmacy Delivery App offers scheduled notifications, saving users from running out of medicine and forgetting to refill their prescriptions.

Though this service is different from other delivery services, you can get a good ROI from this model over a while.

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42. Online Tutor Apps

This mobile app assists users in many ways.

It eases the parents and tutors to meet their individual needs.

Both the parties may search according to their requirements, like parents may search for a tutor as per their required skills, and tutor may find the students to teach according to their preferred location or if they’re willing to take online classes.

This app idea can be further improved with a review system, teacher profile, rankings, etc.

43. Guide Booking Apps

How do you find good tours when visiting a new town?

Sure, you can do it through a travel agency or ask friends/family for advice.

Hotels and hostels often have a few choices, although you’ve no real idea about the quality.

Those are far from the only options, though.

Loads of apps and websites let you find and book a wide range of specialized tours provided by locals in their town or city.

The options tend to be more extensive and customizable than that of traditional tour operators.

Extra details such as customer reviews and biographies of the guides also let you make a more informed decision about the tour you would like to have.

An Online Guide app will help tourists connect with professional and experienced guides in a new city/country.

They can read about guides, connect with them, select and hire them, and even make payments online via app.

44. Restaurant Booking Apps

Of course, no one would like to wait for a long time at a restaurant.

We just want quick table reservations with the best services.

That’s why, to offer such a service, a restaurant booking app can be a convenient option.

Such an app eases the restaurant owners along with the consumers.

A restaurant booking app allows the user to check the graphical layout of the restaurant, choose desired seats/tables, oversee bookings and cancellations, and can make the booking for a specific time.

The user can also make digital pre-payments through the app itself.

45. Scan to Shop Apps

Since a few years ago, Scan to shopping apps has been gaining popularity in eCommerce.

This brilliant mobile app idea facilitates users by scanning any items to find them online by the image that users find attractive and search them on eCommerce stores or online shops to buy them instantly.

Besides, they allow users to interact and communicate smoothly with catalogs, items, in-store signage, or print adverts, offering them experiences and valuable content.

46. Health Checkup App

This App monitors your health everyday and recommends appropriate meals to consume to stay healthy.

It connects you to a plethora of healthy recipes prepared by professional chef-bloggers.

You can configure your content to be delivered based on your health status; e.g., if you have a heart condition, you’ll be recommended recipes made with heart-healthy ingredients.

A health checkup app idea can be one of the best health apps or simple application ideas that will notify the user when there is a need for a health checkup.

It’ll also automatically text messages for the appointment and notify the user whether it was approved or not.

The App can also collaborate with grocery stores to deliver healthy items directly.

47. AR-Based Real Estate Apps

Ever wondered, how a new pool would look in your backyard?

You don’t have to worry anymore if you have an augmented reality app that’ll show how exactly the same pool will look in your backyard.

You can design your home or office space with AR-powered real estate apps without making a single purchase.

The app will allow you to take pictures of your room or whatever place you wish to design and visualize it, with various available design options, like colors, objects, wall stickers, curtains, etc.

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On top of that, this new app idea will also show the chosen product’s dealers nearby and will ease interior design as well.

The customers can feel the real experience of the product even before they purchase it by using this brilliant app idea.

48. Instant Messaging App

According to a report by Statista, an estimate of 3.09 billion mobile phone users accessed mobile phone messaging apps to communicate in 2021.

This figure is projected to grow to 3.51 billion users in 2025.

In today’s digital era, who doesn’t know global brands like WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, Gmail, etc?

Which is based on the idea of instant messaging?

These are the brands that show the power of mobile apps, achieving big success through mobile apps.

An instant messaging app is one of the innovative & profitable mobile app ideas.

This creative app idea will offer great messaging service, video calls, audio calls, internet calls, sharing, emojis, sharing of business cards and data, sharing of big files, and more.

An on-demand laundry app is exactly what it sounds like, an internet-enabled mobile phone application that allows users to request on-demand delivery of their laundry.

This app can be used by both individuals and businesses alike for same or next-day pickup and drop-off at the customer’s convenience.

Unlike traditional dry cleaning services, where customers must go in person to collect orders, on-demand laundry apps allow customers to schedule a time for collection through the app instead.

This makes on-demand laundry applications an ideal option for busy professionals who don’t have time during regular business hours to get their clothing items dropped off or picked up from work.

Concluding Thoughts

If you choose any of these suggestions, 2024 is going to be a fantastic year!

However, you can go on beyond these ideas to build your mobile app and run a successful business.

Given the company and how it benefits realities, it is advisable to choose a challenging one so that you can cater to a niche audience.

Our interpretation is that mobile app ideas behave similarly to a chain reaction.

One thought generates another, and so forth. Therefore, use our mobile application ideas or enable them to spark your imagination for new ones.

We breed an experienced team of experts who can build e-commerce sites, flight booking and distribution systems, and restaurant, fuel and delivery applications.

Partner with us and bring your app ideas into reality with Intelivita’s mobile app development solutions.


Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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