Top 10 Best Features Of Food Ordering App [Complete List]

Tuhin Bhatt

Co-founder of Intelivita

  Published on November 17, 2023

  7 min read

Online food delivery apps make lives easier for users.

With just a few clicks, they can order meals and get the food delivered straight to their front door.

This makes food delivery service one of the most lucrative business ideas in 2024 and beyond.

Are you interested in starting a food delivery business like Uber Eats or Just Eat?

If yes, you can simply hire a food delivery app development team to build a secure and reliable app with all the features you want.

But, before you get to that, learn about the key functionalities that make a food delivery app stand out and how to integrate them with advanced food delivery app development solutions.

On-Demand Food Delivery App Features for Users

We will divide this article into two main sections, catering to the perspectives of both users and restaurants.

Let’s start with the key features your app should have to deliver a better experience for customers.

1. User-Friendly Registration

A simplified registration process can encourage quick sign-ups, which is beneficial for acquiring new customers for your online food delivery app.

You can achieve this by allowing users to register using their social media accounts like Facebook or Google.

This eliminates the need to fill out lengthy forms, providing a quick onboarding experience.

Having an user-friendly interface is also crucial to guide users during onboarding.

Keep the steps short and maintain a clean design with less text and more visual cues.

By implementing these practices, you not only make the registration process easy, but also set a positive tone for the entire user journey.

2. Intuitive Menu Display

Another must-have feature for your food delivery business is an intuitive menu display.

Divide the menu into well-defined categories like appetizers, main courses, desserts, and snacks.

This makes it easier for users to navigate and find what they’re looking for.

Make sure to include visually appetizing images, detailed product descriptions, and clear pricing information for each menu item.

You can also offer a personalized ordering experience by enabling users to customize the level of spiciness or add toppings to their meal.

Here are other essential features to build successful food delivery platforms:

  • Recommended food sections: Highlight popular dishes based on user preferences to assist customers who are looking for tried-and-tested options.
  • Easy Add to Cart functionality: Implement visible and easily accessible buttons next to each menu item, so users can add items with a single tap.
  • Search and filter options: Search functionality helps users locate specific dishes or cuisines quickly.

    In addition, provide filters based on dietary preferences, price ranges, or food types to streamline the selection process.

3. Real-Time Order Tracking

Hungry customers want their meals delivered fast. As such, integrating delivery order tracking into your online food ordering app is a must.

This handy feature will inform users when the order is confirmed and whether the food is being prepared or it’s out for delivery.

You can also integrate Google Maps, making it easy for users to track the delivery person’s location and estimated time of arrival in real-time.

If possible, send push notifications or alerts at key milestones, so users do not have to check the app over and over again to see the order status.

4. Secure Payment Options

Cyber attackers keep getting smarter in finding new ways to penetrate your food delivery application.

To protect customers’ sensitive data and deliver a safe environment for online ordering, integrate reputable payment gateways and mobile wallet app services that offer top-notch security.

Popular examples include PayPal, Google Pay, Stripe, and Apple Pay.

Users should also receive immediate alerts for any payment activity on their account, allowing them to quickly identify and report any unauthorized transactions.

As a precaution, offer two-factor authentication to add extra protection during the login process.

Each user has to verify their identity through a secondary method, like a code sent to their mobile device.

Implementing these security best practices, you can minimize brute-force attacks and keep your online payment information secure.

5. User Account Management

Customers love a personalized experience.

Increase brand loyalty by letting users customize their profile, update contact details, and even set the food preferences, such as their favorite dishes or preferred spice levels.

This way, the next time customers want to order food, your app can automatically tailor its suggestions and menu displays to align with their unique tastes.

Another proven method is to integrate loyalty programs into user profiles, so they can track rewards, discounts, and exclusive offers.

This gamification element keeps users engaged and hooked to your food delivery service app.

6. Ratings and Reviews

With the integration of this feature, customers can give a rating and leave a review after making an order.

These testimonials, whether positive or negative, serve as a guidance for new users, helping them make an informed choice when choosing a meal or restaurant.

Furthermore, food outlets will maintain their food quality, provide excellent services, and ensure timely delivery to avoid getting a bad reputation.

Not only beneficial for users, this will also put your app as one of the most trusted food delivery services in the industry.

7. In-App Support

It’s inevitable that at some point, users will face errors, bugs, or even downtime while navigating through your food delivery app.

To maintain a flawless experience, provide live chat support directly in your application.

Instead of having to deal with long email threads and frustrating delays, users can get quick responses to their questions or problems.

Food Delivery App Features for Restaurants

We’ve discussed essential in-app features that make it easy for customers to order food online.

But, having a custom functionality tailored to restaurant owners is just as important.

Read on to find out which features your food ordering app needs to attract more partners and brand deals.

1. Restaurant Manager

Provide an all-in-one dashboard for restaurants, where they can gain access to detailed analytics and order history for each customer.

This data enables restaurants to identify popular dishes, peak ordering times, and customer preferences.

As such, they can keep refining their menus and marketing strategies based on the target audience.

Another important feature is an in-app messaging channel, which allows food companies to accept special requests and receive direct, two-way feedback from users.

2. Order Notification and Confirmation

Once an order is placed, your application should send an instant push notification to the assigned restaurant.

This will result in a more efficient food ordering process, since kitchen staff can prepare meals promptly and ensure a timely delivery.

It’s also crucial for restaurants to know the delivery person’s contact information.

In case something goes wrong, they can easily track the delivery personnel.

3. Promotions and Discounts

Special deals are a great way to attract new customers and maintain the loyalty of existing users.

A great food delivery app should allow restaurants to offer time-sensitive discounts to create a sense of urgency and boost their sales during specific events.

You can also offer the ability to set up loyalty programs, discounts for repeat orders, or special promotions for long-term customers.

This way, users will feel acknowledged and appreciated, fostering a sense of loyalty that goes beyond a single transaction.

Ready to Build Your Food Delivery App?

Now that you know all the must-have features for successful food ordering mobile apps, it’s time to integrate them into your own software.

As a starter, find a reputable mobile app development company with a proven track record like Intelivita.

For over a decade, our experienced app developers have been making food delivery apps for companies like UK Eats and SN Lyft.

Simply contact our experts, and let them know which features you want to integrate into your food delivery app.

We promise the development process is simple and hassle-free.

After your mobile application is ready, implement these powerful tips on marketing your delivery app to create brand awareness, attract more users, and ultimately, grow your revenue.


Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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