Coordinating the Beginning of Partnership and Collaboration

How We Get Started

Our journey starts with your contact through live chat, email, or phone. We’ll arrange an introductory call to understand your needs, sign an NDA for data security, and provide a detailed proposal. Once the contract is signed, we’re set to begin.

Learn More About Our 5-Step Project Initiation Process

Our Collaboration Ethics and Practices

We deeply respect our client’s corporate practices, continuously optimizing processes for efficiency and alignment with the evolving project needs. Transparent communication, strong commitment to knowledge sharing, and prompt issue resolution are essential to our collaboration’s success, minimizing disruptions.

Click Here to Delve Into the Specifics of Our Collaboration

Quality & Security Management

Our Quality Management

Our development processes align with industry best practices and standards, ensuring reliability, scalability, and maintainability.

We subject the software to meticulous testing at various stages. This includes unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing to ensure the highest quality.

Explore More Abour Our Quality Management

Our Security Management

We are ISO 27001 certified, further underlining our commitment to safeguarding your data.

We implement strict data protection measures. This includes strong encryption, access controls, and compliance with industry regulations like GDPR.

Get An Inside Look About Our Security Management

Project Management and Reporting at Intelivita

Scope Estimation and Management

At Intelivita, the foundation of software project success is meticulously laid during the scope estimation and management phase. This is where we define the boundaries, align objectives, and ensure clarity.

Our approach comprises several key components

  • Requirements Gathering: We engage multiple stakeholders to gather comprehensive project requirements.
  • Document Analysis: A thorough analysis of project documents and specifications ensures clarity.
  • Target Audience Research: We delve into understanding your end-users, their needs, and preferences.
We’re attentive to scope adjustments and maintain control through
  • Documenting Scope: Every aspect of the project’s scope is meticulously documented.
  • Assessing Impact: We carefully assess the impact of any scope changes.
  • Welcoming Adjustments: When beneficial changes emerge, we embrace them to enhance software quality and reduce costs.
Cost Estimation Practices

Our approach to cost estimation is grounded in three fundamental principles

  • Honesty: We believe in providing honest, transparent cost estimates. You can trust that there won’t be any hidden surprises down the road.
  • Clarity: Our cost estimates are designed to be crystal clear, ensuring that you have a complete understanding of project expenses.
  • Customer Understanding: We go beyond the numbers to understand your business and your vision. This deep customer understanding is a core element of our cost estimation process.
We utilize two primary cost estimation methods
  • Top-Down Estimation: This provides an initial, high-level cost estimate. It offers a broad view of project expenses.
  • Bottom-Up Estimation: A detailed analysis is performed to provide a more precise cost estimate. It involves a granular assessment of each project component.

In addition to these methods, we use early estimation techniques such as T-shirt sizing and PERT to ensure faster, risk-aware cost calculations.

Project Success Measurement

At Intelivita, project success is a well-defined journey, kicked off by these fundamental practices

  • Defining Objectives and Key Results (OKRs): We collaborate closely with our clients to establish customized objectives and key results (OKRs).

    These OKRs encompass two critical domains: service quality and client satisfaction.

  • Continuous Monitoring and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Our OKRs are not set in stone; they undergo constant monitoring and revision through a process driven by KPIs.

    Joint reviews, stakeholder feedback, and potential risks contribute to this agile approach, ensuring that we stay in sync with evolving project objectives.

Reporting Process and Examples

Effective project reporting is at the heart of our communication and collaboration approach.

We believe in transparency and ensure that you’re informed at every step.

Our reporting process covers a wide range of aspects

  • The pace of software development.
  • Team adherence to plans.
  • Scope coverage.
  • Risks and potential challenges.
  • Time spent on specific tasks.
  • Forecasts on project flow.
  • Recommendations for improvements.
  • Data for potential process enhancements.

We utilize a range of reporting tools, including Jira, Trello, Asana, Basecamp, and GitScrum.

These tools are integrated into our reporting process to provide you with comprehensive insights into the project’s progress and health.

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Ready to Start Your Project with Intelivita?

Ready To Transform Your Ideas into Reality with Our IT Collaboration. Let's Collaborate on Your Success!

Intelivita places collaboration at the heart of long-term project excellence. With a proud 12-year history of delivering exceptional collaborative IT services, we ensure seamless cooperation and the flexibility to adapt to changes.

Technologies and Platforms We Work With

We employ cutting-edge tools and tech stack and ensure compatibility with various platforms. This versatility allows us to build software that seamlessly integrates into your existing systems.

Client Testimonials

Discover the success stories shared by our satisfied clients. Learn how our expertise and dedication have helped them turn their visions into reality and achieve outstanding results.

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Ready to take the first step towards turning your software dreams into reality? Contact us today to schedule a project discussion. Our team of experts is eager to hear your ideas and provide tailored solutions to meet your unique needs.

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    Photo of Tuhin Bhatt
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